Members Of Legendary Rock Band Foghat Recently Recorded With Students | 270

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One of our schools had the honor of recording Roger Earl and Bryan Bassett of Foghat last week. (Remember the Guitar Hero song “Slow Ride?” THOSE people) and singer/guitarist Scott Holt, a superb artist in his own right who spent ten years playing with Buddy Guy. Six songs were recorded under the moniker “Earl and The Agitators,” and it was a fantastic learning experience not just to record three outstanding musicians, but also to hear them share their experiences and knowledge of the music business.

Being the in-house producer and recording engineer for Foghat, Bryan oversaw the project. Over the course of the five-day recording sessions, his advice on workflow, studio operations, and working with musicians was really helpful. Roger always maintained a light tone. A brief joke was available along with some excellent drumming. Scott completed it with incredible vocals and guitar playing that was unmatched! What’s best? All of it was engineered by students, including using Pro Tools, putting up microphones, and operating the SSL Console. They’re now mixing the tracks that will be mastered, and their management is talking about selling the record to labels!Scott-Holt-DHI

The opportunity for Roger, Bryan, and Scott to engage in an hour-long Q&A session with DHI students was another highlight. We learned about their beginnings, influences, and some of the tales behind outstanding tunes. Their creativity and ability to turn everything into a learning occasion made it terrific to have them in the studio. made this last project very unique. They even went so far as to arrange a little catered party for the entire class, and everyone participant in the project received a unique memento.


They even went so far as to send a graduation video and write the class good wishes. Here is their message:

all ok!

We wanted to send you our very best wishes on tomorrow’s graduation! You’ve all chosen fantastic locations to hone your skills, and you’re all set to embark on some very awesome adventures! And the adventure that is life!

Aren’t you fortunate that your career is music? Being enthusiastic about what you do, in our opinion, is the key to success. If you are fortunate enough to be able to make a livelihood doing what you love, congratulations!

A unifying factor that unites all types of people and generations is music. any kind of music. It was a pleasure to work and hang out with each and every one of you. For us as well, this was a pretty exciting event. You can tell that we were all quite enthused by the process by the music that emerged from the sessions!

Congratulations then, and have fun! You received excellent training at DHI and were surrounded by some wonderful individuals! The genuine concern they have for you all truly amazed us. Very nice! Dennis also performed a fantastic job. His ability to instruct without having to’micro manage’ what you were doing was a credit to his methods. Good work!

So, go forth and accomplish it! Likewise, kindly keep in touch with us. Your buddies are us!

Keep the music going

Roger and Linda Bryan and Scott

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