For-Sale Landing Pages, Marketplace Accept payments instantly with Stripe. | 182

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Blue Stripe LogoI’m excited to announce the addition of another payment mechanism for domain name buyers: Stripe. Stripe integration has arrived on the Efty Professional plan after many of our power users requested it, therefore our team worked hard to make it happen.

Stripe, the premier payment processor for online businesses, may assist you in moving your domains more quickly by providing purchasers with a super-easy method to purchase your goods immediately with any major credit card, without leaving the Buy-It-Now page.

At Efty, we always recommend using a licenced escrow integration partner such as or DAN.COM for high-value transactions, but we also understand the benefits of using Stripe for lower-priced inventory, such as receiving payment for your domain names instantly and allowing buyers to pay for your domain name in a matter of seconds rather than going through the often longer, escrow process.

Setting up your Stripe integration in Efty is the same as it is for our, DAN.COM, and PayPal integrations. After connecting your Stripe keys to Efty, you may choose Stripe as your preferred or secondary payment option, which will display a Stripe-branded Buy-It-Now button on your landing page and/or marketplace:
Efty 2 and Stripe

When a customer hits the “Buy It Now” button, we direct them to a straightforward “Buy It Now” page where we ask for some basic information like their name and email address, which Efty will then email to you.

When a customer selects “continue to payment,” they may make an immediate payment using the embeddable payment form that is accessible from both desktop and mobile versions of the website. All of this without being taken somewhere else to finish the transaction.

Following payment, we take the customer to a confirmation page that contains the seller’s contact information. The customer will also receive an email receipt for their purchase that includes your business’ contact information.

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You will receive an email from Stripe confirming the payment for the domain name once your buyer has submitted payment successfully (be sure to enable email notifications for all payments within Stripe). At that point, you must get in touch with the buyer to expedite the domain name transfer process. Please take notice that you are solely responsible for this as the domain seller, and that failing to do so might lead to a chargeback and the possible cancellation of your Stripe account.

BIN (Buy-it-now) buttons powered by Stripe are incredibly simple to add to your marketplace or for-sale landing pages. View our setup manual here for additional details.

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