I appreciate your comments. This is what we’re going to do with it. | 132

4/5 - (30 votes)

Domain Administration

The responses we received from everyone in our beta feedback survey made us really happy and delighted. More than 25% of the beta testers have so far responded to the survey asking for their opinions, likes, and dislikes as well as suggestions for improving Efty as a domaining tool. Though it was helpful to have some confirmation on those issues, many of the proposals simply reinforce aspects that we already knew required improvement.

Without further ado, here are a few of the items you requested, which we chose to immediately correct or change:

assistance for IDNs

Internationalized domain names may now be added to Efty. Additionally, the WHOIS data is correctly retrieved.

100 results paging has been fixed.

When viewing 100 domains at once, the domain overview proved ineffective. We’ve resolved this problem.

Monthly fixed renewal statistics

The display at Efty Insights that showed the cost of impending renewals wasn’t adding up your money correctly. As well repaired!

Domain addition in ALL CAPS

Adding domains like ALLCAPSLOCKDOMAIN.COM led to an error for whatever reason. Please feel free to use caps lock wildly now that we’ve addressed the problem!

When a domain is set to “sold,” a message to increase sales income appears.

Efty now prompts you to update sold date and financial information once you have changed a domain’s status to’sold’.

Upload a CSV file containing 500 domains.

With the CSV import file, you may now upload up to 500 domains at once.

Optionally selected purchase price and renewal charge

Last but not least, we made the decision to make the input boxes for the purchase price and renewal charge optional. These fields were first made necessary because they aid in the creation of accurate financial data. We received a lot of feedback from users who weren’t happy about having to input all this information when bulk uploading their data or who just wanted to use Efty for one of the many other features like custom landing pages or marketplace, even though we still think Efty adds much more value when it shows you your profit and loss and monthly renewal costs.

If you haven’t already, please do so by the end of February to be entered to win a lifetime subscription to Efty! The survey will still be available.

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