Education-driven sales process saw $475 in purchases and $9,940 in sales. | 182

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short stats smartcompanionThe eighth article in our Behind the Sale series on the Efty blog is now live. I interview domain name investors who reveal all the information on a recent sale in this series. You’ll discover how they made their purchases and sales, how the talks worked, and much more.

I’m having a conversation right now with Alex Bates, a full-time domain name investor headquartered in the UK. He established

Tell me a little about yourself, Alex.

I manually registered a few domain names in 2015, but I promptly forgot about them until a GoDaddy broker contacted me about one of them earlier this year. To cut a long tale short, Although the deal was never completed (at least not yet), it piqued my curiosity in domaining. For the past six months, I would say, I have been domaining full-time. Although there has been a steep learning curve for most of that, I feel like I am starting to get the swing of things now. I am getting up to 200 domains; many of them are brandable, but I am gambling a little with names that are linked to cryptocurrencies.

What is the name of the domain you sold?

After receiving a bid on its Efty landing page, I sold For all newly acquired domains, my default landing page style is UDRP Safe until I customize things especially for each site.

What did you spend for the domain and how much did it bring in when you sold it?

This domain was bought in an auction on Snapnames in August for $475, and a deal to sell it was made in October for slightly under $10,000. The money came to me in November.

Can you describe the process used to negotiate this domain name?

originally the purchasing business, but in which shares the same domain name.Although Efty’s logged information, such as the buyer’s IP address and Google, made it pretty evident who the buyer truly was, CA hired a third party to inquire about the domain’s availability for sale. When I offered a price that was more than the selling price, they claimed that it was Their budget was less than $10,000, making it prohibitively pricey. They had just inquired about the price up to this point and made no offers.

I remarked that I wasn’t in a haste to sell because the name was already widely utilised in the robotics sector. I decided to contact the CEO of the firm that this individual was representing since I thought that dealing with this third party was not advancing the sale. I told the CEO that if they were serious about making an offer for the name, they should do it directly. They finally contacted me about a month later, and we decided on 7,500 GBP. I would say that we were both satisfied when we left. was a wonderful quick flip on my part, and the buyer got a terrific deal. Since Payoneer Escrow accepts GBP payments, we used it to complete the transaction.

Alex, thanks for sharing. Do you have anything further to say?

By email, you may reach me at . Please get in contact if you have something intriguing as I am interested in both buying and brokering domain names.

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