School Ho Ho Ho! The Efty marketplace now has SSL. | 183

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A domain name marketplace is included with each Efty account, making it simple for customers to explore your full portfolio and acquire your domains. It is one of our most well-liked features, and we are pleased to power marketplaces for several reputable domain name investors online.

I’m glad to announce that all customers of the Growth, Pro, and Lifetime subscriptions will now have access to SSL (HTTPS) encryption on the Efty marketplace.

Why is this crucial?

HTTPS EftyGoogle started identifying any websites without SSL earlier this year as “Not secure.” Having SSL on your marketplace eases your visitors’ minds since it gives additional security for their information in addition to helping to keep their information safe. both trust and identification. Web browsers include visual clues to let users know whether their connection is safe, such as a lock icon or a green bar. This indicates that when potential customers notice these indicators, they will have more faith in your website and be more inclined to make a purchase or send you an enquiry. Google has stated that it is using HTTPS as a ranking indication for SEO, which is another strong incentive to convert to SSL.

Here’s how to make your marketplace SSL-enabled.

Verify that you are a member of our Growth or Pro plan or upgrade here.
Your custom marketplace domain’s A-record should be updated

Navigate to Settings > Efty Marketplace and choose SSL.
Choose whether you want your marketplace to default to www or non-www.

Scroll down, then select “Save.”

Have queries or want assistance with starting? Write to us at

Do you feel merry yet? Before the year ends, we’ll have two more announcements for you.

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