Learning, For Sale Marketplace, landing pagesFor the Efty market, more options and customisation. | 184

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We wish everyone a successful start to the new year. In 2018, we at Efty can’t wait to assist you in selling more domains and generating more income by reducing commissions! We have been working hard to put together our most ambitious and exciting development plan yet!

I’m delighted to share some recent adjustments we made as a result of popular requests to start the year since we’re constantly working to improve Efty based on your comments, feedback, and recommendations.

For-Sale landing pages using SSL security:

With just one click, you can now drive customers to your own marketplace For-Sale landing pages if you are a Growth or Professional plan subscriber. All visits to your domains utilizing Efty nameservers (ns1.eftydns.com/ns2.eftydns.com) will be sent to SSL safe For-Sale landing pages hosted on your own marketplace url once this functionality is enabled. To get started, just choose “redirect landers to marketplace” from the drop-down menu on the Settings > Efty market page.

Turn verified enquiries on or off:

Verified inquires were first introduced in May 2016 as our site began to attract spambots. This implies that any offers or inquiries you get going forward are 100% assured to come from the email sender.

whose information may be found in the confirmation email.

One disadvantage is that a potential buyer may not confirm their inquiry, and sellers are not immediately notified of an offer for their domain name. You may now opt-out of confirmed inquiries from your Settings > Efty market page to ensure that every offer or enquiry is delivered to your inbox without the need for the other party to authenticate their email address. If you elect to preserve the email verification, we want you to know that any non-verified enquiries can still be seen under Insights > enquiries, so you won’t lose out on a prospective lead. Just keep going. Keep in mind that if the query is not verified by the possible buyer, you will not be alerted through email.

Upgrade to our white label plan:

One of the reasons Efty has been able to offer such a low-cost solution is that consumers are helping us expand by displaying some very minor Efty branding in their marketplace sites’ footer and favicon. Most of you are proud to tell the world that your site is powered by Efty, but we recognise that some of you require a full white label solution that is absolutely free of any Efty branding on the front end. As a result, Professional plan users can now remove the Efty logo. from the marketplace’s bottom and upload their own, distinctive favicon to fit their identity.

Watch this space for an update soon!

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