Is Nimbit the New Myspace? | 228

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Since the launch of MySpace, musicians and management have had a new channel of communication and sharing for their music with listeners. They had a stage where they could be themselves and showcase their music, and many musicians used it to launch successful careers. A few websites have popped up after MySpace left the Internet, aiming to fill the hole. We require more methods than ever before to interact with fans, coworkers, and artists as technology develops. Nimbit steps in at this point.

The most recent direct-to-fan marketing, career management, and sales platform for independent artists and their teams is called Nimbit. More adaptable than Reverbnation yet similar. This is why.

Nimbit provides you with an online store, mailing list administration, and a basic music hosting website that is tailored to your band and brand. The other aspects are what make nimbit unique to me as a promoter and artist.

Market on your Website

Keep them on your page is a general rule of thumb for everyone with a website. You don’t want customers to enter a business, decide they want to purchase something, and then discover they need to walk down the street to pay for it and pick it up. Similar services will be provided. You are taken to their website to complete the transaction when you click the “Buy” button on your website. This directs visitors away from your website. Nimbit provides a Fans linger on your website to purchase and make payments at the “Merchandise Table” that you may park there. As a result, even after making a purchase, customers continue to browse your website and listen to your music.

Owning a street team and a box office

The ability to sell tickets to your performances and get customer information is one of the truly awesome special services Nimbit provides. Additionally, they enable audience members to “Check in” to your event so you can identify everyone who attended and individually thank them, add them to your mailing list, and interact with them.

both pre-sales and fundraising

Ordering CDs and paying the upload fees is one item that always hurts creative individuals who don’t have a lot of money. With Nimbit, your listeners may really contribute to the cost of your albums. The majority of other websites will likewise charge you for such feature, however this one is provided without charge!

Earn money

Let’s imagine that you play for or oversee many teams. Paying everyone or receiving payment for a performance, album release, or merchandise sales is something that frequently goes wrong and may be annoying. Additionally, you may make your own UPCs and barcodes.

Save room

You have some awesome merchandise, including vinyl records, t-shirts, posters, and mugs. nonetheless, your unit is 500 square feet. Nimbit

offers product fulfillment; there is a fee associated with it, but if you sell a lot of physical goods, it is definitely worth it.

I believe it could be time for a change for me!

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