It’s here: The All-New | 213

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Education, Marketplace

As we press the start button on the biggest commission-free marketplace in the domain name business, this is a momentous day for the Efty team.

Welcome to the online market place Eftycom.

Your domains will now receive more visibility on thanks to a centralized marketplace that allows customers to look for, discuss, and buy names from all Efty users at once.

The marketplace is a free supplementary service provided to customers and does not take the place of popular services like Live Chat, unique For-Sale landing pages, and your own marketplace.

Offers made through will be emailed to the seller with all of the buyer’s contact information, including email address, phone number, and IP address. Buy-It-Now and DANCOM both support transactions on the new market.

Send traffic from your landing pages for sales to eftycom

By changing their redirect settings here, Efty merchants with valid subscriptions may now automatically link all of their domain names to SSL-secured landing pages on Eftycom. These are our best-ever For-Sale landing pages, created and improved using data from conversions collected over a five-year period.

The present option for sellers to reroute their landing pages to EftyMarketcom will be replaced by these options. You don’t need to take any action if you’re presently utilizing this option since we’ll transfer you over on our own. You can choose from any of the following options if you don’t want your for-sale landing pages to reroute to the new for whatever reason:

Having your domain names point to your own marketplace or a custom landing page domain are two of the three other options we provide.

The domain names from a seller’s portfolio that are placed on the new Eftycom marketplace are completely at their discretion. Instructions on how to manage your listings and seller profile at the new have been updated in our knowledge base.

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