Knowledge and InsightsWithout Leaving Efty, access Google Analytics statistics. | 195

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We already established a Google Analytics integration back in 2016 since we all understand how crucial having the appropriate data is to making the correct decisions. When you’ve configured this integration, you already know how many visits your marketplace and/or landing pages for sales are receiving and from where they’re coming.

However, wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could get a brief summary of your visitor statistics straight from your Efty account?

As of right now, you can!

It is really simple to activate. All you have to do is click the orange “Access Google Analytics” button by going to Reports > Google Analytics in the application’s main navigation.

Once your Google account has been connected, you may access Efty to check visitor statistics for all of your Google Analytics accounts and domains.

Get a fast overview of Sessions (visitors), popular sites (keep in mind that this works best if your landing pages are hosted on, Sources, Medium, Devices, and Countries by choosing the date range in the upper right corner. Using the drop-down option in the left-hand corner, you may change between Google Analytics accounts.

We hope you enjoy having access to your daily dose of traffic statistics without having to leave Efty, even if you would still need to check in to the Google Analytics website for additional in-depth insights. As usual, let us know your thoughts and if you require anything. any assistance setting up

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