Look at us now, we’ve had a makeover! | 125

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Our Adventure

When we first started developing Efty, we focused on making it the one online tool that every domainer wants to use.

At this early stage of our business, design was mostly a process of planning / thinking about the application to ensure consistency, fulfilment of our aims, and compliance with the criteria. This technique undoubtedly aided us in making the software development process more efficient, but when we published the programme in private beta three months ago, it appeared quite dull.

Efty is now coloured!

We’ve been working hard over the last several weeks to make Efty the one online tool that every domainer wants to use AND look at.

All private beta customers may now experience a newly revamped Efty as of today. If you’re a current beta tester, please visit https://www.efty.com/app/ and let us know what you think!

If you want to compare the previous design to what we’ve come up with, we’ll keep the old design up for a few weeks: https://www.efty.com/boring_design/

More Efty, more color

We know we initially promised to release this design alongside our public beta roll out, but we’ve decided to test it for a few weeks with our beloved private beta users to iron out any bugs, and even though we believe everyone should use Chrome, we’d like to get it 100% browser-proof in the next few weeks.

We hear you asking, “Is there a public beta?” We swear it’s just around the corner!

Thank you for your understanding and patience!

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