Easy-to-use landing pages, open beta, and more! | 124

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Buying Landing Pages

Although it has been a few weeks since our previous release, we have been working hard to improve Efty and get it ready for public beta. In my case, this has meant working evenings as well. Even those of you who have been regularly login into Efty might not have seen many of the new, smaller features, changes, and upgrades, but they all help to ensure that the program is error-free, quick, and provides accurate data.

Many of these modifications were made possible by the current set of devoted private beta testers, some of whom have provided us with substantial comments and discussion over the previous few weeks. You are aware of who you are.

NS1/NS2 is as simple as 123!

It was rapidly made clear to us that one of our most well-liked services, the capacity to design unique landing pages for every one of your domains, was lacking a crucial component: the ability to swiftly and easily park them by directing nameservers to us.

We immediately got to work on this, and as of right now you may start parking domains with our platform after adding your domains to your Efty account by simply changing the nameservers on your domains to ns1.eftydns.com and ns2.eftydns.com.

Under the Marketing tab, edit the parking page’s USPs and profile, then press Save.

And there you have it: http://companyrecruiter.com Your personalised landing page is available. Inquiries are sent directly to your inbox and Efty Cockpit, where we display the IP address, location, email, and any more information we may find about the possible buyer.

You have complete control over which domains you choose to point to your Efty landing pages and which ones you choose not to. Although it works flawlessly, we advise you to test it with a small portion of your portfolio before directing the remainder of your domains to Efty. So far, we’ve tried it with a portfolio of about 200 domains with 3k traffic on them.

Public Beta is up soon!

Because we wanted to make sure that we had turned Efty into the one tool that every domainer will want to use, we have been careful with the people we have let into our private beta.

I’m happy to announce that everyone who previously joined up but hasn’t yet received access will soon get their login information! From that point forward, any new users who join up will likewise have instantaneous access and be able to utilise Efty right away.

Going flat and adding some color:

Our sentiments were wounded when some users noted that Efty appeared to be a touch uninteresting, and one user even likened our design to that of c-panel. Once our designer had recovered from the emotional trauma and regained some confidence, we requested him to be inspired by the Hindu festival Holi and begin reintroducing color into Efty while remaining flat with the design.

Here’s a sneak peek at the new design, which will go live on the day of our public beta launch:






Portfolio Insights:


We want to thank our private beta participants once more; you guys have been absolutely great and helpful over the past several weeks, giving us detailed feedback and assisting us in preparing for public beta!

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