Seven days in! | 123

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Our Travels

Wow, what a fantastic week this has been! On June 1st, we emailed login information to the first 20 Efty beta testers. To truly invest in developing a relationship with our initial consumers, get feedback, and immediately fix any errors we missed, we purposefully started our beta small, orderly, and well-structured.

Our beta testers imported well over 1000 domains into Efty just one week. Seeing people utilize the product we’ve been fervently developing for months is incredibly thrilling.

I’m happy to report that many of you have been in touch with us, giving us loads of terrific comments regarding certain Efty features as well as some intriguing suggestions for future development, which is fantastic. We read each and every email and form submission, and we really appreciate the time you took to express yourself.

In addition to answering some of the most commonly asked questions, we’d like to provide you guys some insight into the modifications we’ve made this week.

certain domains

Custom domains are the feature that will have the most effect on your public portfolio. From day one, this was the most requested feature, therefore we made the decision to start working on it straight immediately.

A customized URL for your Efty Marketplace is now usable. Check out my marketplace at You can give your portfolio the exposure it needs thanks to this tool! Simply follow the instructions under Settings > Efty Market to establish a custom domain for your market.

Oh, and did you know that you may decide whether to use a table or tiles to present your market domains?

Why do I need to enter the rates for the purchase and renewal fees?

One of the fantastic things about Efty is that it will provide you a lot of information about your domaining performance over time. We’ve made the purchase price and annual renewal charge necessary in order to present you with actual up-to-date financial knowledge, such as statistics on monthly renewal fees per extension, total portfolio investment, sales per period, and much more.

I can now psychologically (or maybe more accurately, monetarily) prepare myself for a relatively heavy month in renewal payments coming up next month:

Perhaps I should abandon my July names and take a vacation instead.

And I wouldn’t be able to immediately determine if I’m on my road to profitability as a domainer if I didn’t enter buy and sold prices into my Cockpit:

We’re almost there!

In case you were wondering, you and only you have access to this information. Even Efty does not have access to your financial information, such as buy and sales prices.

Delete the cPanel layout

A comment that made us both laugh and cry was that we needed to go away from the relatively dull layout. “It has a very backend-like feel to it, almost like I’m using cPanel.” Ouch! Despite the fact that our primary goal with Efty is to assist domainers, increase your earnings We will most certainly be working on brightening up the layout, so stay tuned for a more colorful design.

How do you feel?

If you’re a current beta user, we ask that you provide us feedback through the Efty feedback form or by email at You may also contact us this way if you simply want to say hello. In addition, the thread of comments is below. Every submission will be read, and when possible, we’ll answer as soon as possible.

When am I able to begin?

Watch out for the upcoming update since we’ll be posting on our blog every week as long as we’re in beta.

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!

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