Mobile-ready markets and for-sale landing pages are available. | 128

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While most businesses are gearing up for the holidays and your inbox is starting to fill up with Happy Holidays greetings, we have been working talking with a ton of new beta users about how we can make Efty the greatest domaining software application available. Numerous suggestions, comments, and fantastic ideas were sent our us.

We decided to start working on optimizing the landing pages and marketplace for mobile devices straight away after receiving several requests to do so.

These pages already look fantastic on PCs, but I’m delighted to report that they now display well on your (and the purchasers’) phone as well!

Check out one of your parked domains, your mobile marketplace, or have a look at mine to see this in action:

Website home page: the online market

Efty is available for use on mobile devices, ho ho ho!

We anticipate that this upgrade will result in a large rise in mobile phone queries. We’re excited to provide you with another cool addition or enhancement shortly.

Please continue to provide feedback!

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