More options and flexibility for your landing pages for sales. | 157

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Buying Landing Pages

The Efty team has been speaking with a tonne of new and old users while attending NamesCon in Las Vegas. I’m thrilled to announce that you may now upload your very own custom background picture because through these talks, we’ve learnt how vital it is for many of you to further personalise and customise your For-Sale landing pages.

Your own backdrop picture for your landing pages for sales:

For domains in particular niche industries where Efty does not presently offer a custom category lander, such as virtual reality, drones, or cannabis, using your own background picture can help you to better position your brand or just show a more suited background image.

You may add your own background picture by going to Settings > Efty Market and scrolling all the way down to the For-Sale landers section. Make sure the picture is 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels in size, a JPG, PNG, or GIF, and that it has a maximum file size of 1MB. Any domains that you designate to the recently introduced “Custom Background” landing page theme will use this picture as their default background image. Any time you like, you may change your default picture for any specific domain name by uploading a fresh, original image to the domain’s Marketing page in your Efty account. (BIN 4 Enriched)      

whatsapp-image-2017-01-24-at-17-31-34 (BIN 5 enriched)

Keep an eye out for an interesting announcement shortly on several options for obtaining payments from customers!

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