Two new themes and additional customization options for your shop! | 156

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Your domain marketplace is much more than just a portfolio of public domain names. As a domain name investor, it’s your online brand and identity. When a potential buyer lands on your For-Sale landing pages or when you react to an offer or enquiry through email, it’s one of the first things they look at. We are proud and humbled by the explosive growth of Efty powered marketplaces, and we understand you want to be able to stand out from the crowd, which is why we keep adding new features and offering more customization, such as allowing you to add your own background and write your own copy.

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I’m excited to share another significant update with you today that will make sure your marketplace accurately represents you and your portfolio.

Introducing the two newest marketplace themes, Emma and Eustatius:

Many of you have urged us to create a theme that prominently displays more material above the fold ever since we released the first two marketplace themes, Borgen and Sands, this summer. In light of this, we’ve been working on creating two new designs that showcase your domain names prominently on the homepage of your marketplace but do away with the usage of a giant banner picture. This preview shows how these themes appear on my marketplace at, but you can test these fresh looks on your own marketplace by visiting the link below.

Simply navigate to Settings > Efty Market to test out the new theme selector to directly customise any of the four themes for your own marketplace.



The focus here is on you!

A further feature that was frequently sought was the ability to build custom pages with original material. With this, we’ve already taken the first step by including a personalised “About Us” page that you can build under Settings > Efty Market. You may add your own content, graphics, and connections to further establish the personality of your website.

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