New Efty Privacy Tools in the Marketplace and For-Sale Landing Pages. | 189

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At Efty, we’re constantly trying to give you the best possible tools so you can sell more domains. Additionally, we aim to make it as simple as possible for you to comply with the most recent data protection and privacy rules in the ever evolving online world of today.

If you own a business, we advise getting your contacts’ freely provided consent and being able to properly explain how you intend to utilize their personal information. The Efty marketplace and individual For-Sale landing page forms have been enhanced to support you in running your domaining business according to best standards. Checkboxes for opt-in consent can now be included on our optional GDPR-compliant forms. as well as an editable Privacy Policy page that describes how and why you use the information you get from offers and queries on your domains.

Privacy Statement page.

You can now build your privacy policy by going to Settings > Privacy and creating your own, customised privacy policy page. We suggest using Shopify’s handy privacy policy generator, which has been updated to reflect the General Data Protection Regulation regulations, if you have no prior experience crafting privacy policies. Once saved, a link to your privacy statement will be instantly posted to the marketplace website’s footer.

Check the Active Consent checkbox.

Once you’ve established your privacy policy, tick the “Request Consent” box. This will add an active consent checkbox to all of your Make Offer forms on both your marketplace and individual For-Sale landing pages. You can now simply identify which contacts have given you permission to save their data within your Efty account.

Efty provides tools and information as a resource, but does not provide legal advice. This document is intended to give background information and assist you in better understanding how to utilize Efty in a GDPR compliant manner.

Regulation concerning data privacy may provide short-term obstacles, but in the long run, it may create a more favorable experience for those who purchase our domain names – something we should constantly aim for as domain name investors.

Here’s to more sales!

Efty’s team

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