Our Journey: Efty Paid Plans Announced | 137

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I’m happy to announce today that Efty will be launching premium plans on October 1st.

You may recall the survey we sent out to gather input on features, use, and price if you were a beta tester back in January. Whether you’re a hobby domainer or the owner of a sizable portfolio, your input has helped us make sure that our premium plans are reasonable, straightforward, and—most importantly—providing value to everyone.

“Why Now”

It was never a question of if we would provide premium plans when we originally released the first beta version of Efty in May 2014, but rather when. But we made the decision to wait to start charging for Efty until we could give you the best domaining “Swiss army knife” and all the assistance you need. Even if doing so meant that we would have to pay to give up a rapidly expanding utility to hundreds of domainers.

There are times when operating a business—especially a startup—you feel pressed to start charging, but we wanted to add and polish a number of features before introducing premium plans.

monitoring and maintenance of domain names

individual landing pages

your personal market

Financial analysis and data

cellular ready

Sedo, ParkingCrew, Voodoo, Bodis, etc. integrations

Take my money and leave, please:

Your free beta account will automatically change to an Efty trial account on September 1st, giving you another month to use (or sample) Efty before opting to upgrade to one of our premium plans:

For as low as $4/month for up to 50 domains or less than the cost of a.com renewal for as many as 1500 domains, paying customers will be able to take use of all the wonderful features of Efty.

You qualify for a grandfathered, lifetime, unlimited (domains) Efty license for just $149 if you joined up before September 1st, but wait on — since you’re reading this, you’re probably one of our cherished beta customers (anyone who did so).

Finally, but not least

Efty will formally stay in beta until August 31 at midnight. All current user accounts will then be transformed immediately into one-month free trial accounts, giving you an additional 30 days before you must sign up for your preferred plan or lifetime license.

We won’t kick back and relax when pricing takes effect in October. We’ve really only begun to scrape the surface of what is possible with Efty since there is still so much more that we can and will achieve.

We’re grateful for all the wonderful encouragement, suggestions, and ideas we’ve had so far, and we aim to keep collaborating closely with domain name investors and partners to develop even better tools to assist you in increasing your earnings.

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