’s buying price increased from $3,000 to $12,500 via education. | 162

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The second article in our Behind the Sale series on the Efty blog is now live. I interview domain name investors who reveal all the information on a recent sale in this series. You’ll discover how they made their purchases and sales, how the talks worked, and much more.

Currently residing in New Delhi, India, Daniel Ben-Ezra is a part-time domain name investor from the Netherlands.

Tell me a little bit about yourself, Daniel.

Currently residing in New Delhi, I’m a Dutchman. The experiences (and accomplishments) of a close friend of mine who works in the domain name sector served as a major source of inspiration for me when I began my foray into the world of domain names in the summer of 2015. I plunged into it, like most new domainers do, without completing the necessary research, and as a result, I ended up with a lot of garbage. However, tools like DomainSherpa, DNgeek, Namepros, and a few more websites helped me better grasp the market, and I believe I finally made a few wise decisions around purchasing, selling, and dropping. You might argue that brandables are my speciality and that I solely purchase dot-coms. Investing My interest in domain names is a side business, and I presently hold 130 names, which you can see on my marketplace

What is the name of the domain you sold?

In July 2016, after receiving a bid via the website’s Efty For-Sale landing page, I sold Because I’m Dutch and Mokum is a historical nickname for Amsterdam, I use the Mokum landing page design for the majority of my domains.

What did you spend for the domain and how much did it bring in when you sold it?

I would manually register a lot of domains, especially in the initial few months of getting started. I would experiment with different terms in Godaddy’s search field to see if any domain names were already taken. Naturally, all excellent ones are, and I should have known that a website with the name would be one of them. However, when I entered With this name, a BIN of $3,000 was generated. And it instantly struck me as being a bargain for such a prestigious label. I assumed businesses involved in education, consulting, artificial intelligence, and other industries might utilise the brand. It is a word used in yoga. I chose to purchase it on January 30th, 2016, after researching Estibot and Namebio and deciding it was worth the risk. Six months later, in July 2016, the domain name was sold for $12,500.

Can you describe the process used to negotiate this domain name?

Since I’ve owned the domain, I typically get 1-2 queries about it each month. I reasoned that I was holding onto information that some people would find useful. An Efty landing page generated the enquiry that resulted in the sale. I knew I was dealing with someone serious about the domain and who appreciated the value of premium domains because the first offer was $4,000 in. My first asking price was $25,000. After much back and forth with the buyer, we came to an agreement for $12,500 that was in the centre. In retrospect, if I had held onto the domain, I might have been able to sell it for more to someone else.

It’s true that I was a little giddy about making my first five-figure sale and thought the ROI for the next six months wasn’t too awful (in an absolute sense, I don’t think I would have accepted a 400% return if we had been discussing lesser value domains). handled the transaction, and the buyer was responsible for all costs.

Thank you for revealing Daniel, Would you want to add anybody else, please?

My “gut feeling” was that a $3k BIN for this name was on the low side after doing my research on domains and the market. In order to achieve that, you had to read blogs, browse domaining websites, and listen to DomainSherpa evaluations and interviews. Additionally, I submitted this name to BrandBucket, and they approved it with a $4,795 listing fee for users. That gave me some anxiety. However, brandables’ worth ultimately depends on what the customer is willing to pay for them. So I made the decision to wait it out rather than put it on BrandBucket. In this instance, I had the good fortune to locate a buyer for within a reasonable amount of time, five figures.

Disclaimer: Efty is not in possession of user sales information. Therefore, we only provide data on sales that have been made public. Read about our complete governance here.

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