PipeArt.com – from $32 to $1,000 – education behind the selling | 164

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pipeart.com is for sale.Welcome to the fourth installment of the Efty blog’s Behind the Sale series. In this series, I interview domain name investors who reveal all the specifics of a recent transaction. You’ll find out how they bought low and sold high, how the talks went, and a lot more.

Today, I’m speaking with Asad Ali, a Pakistani part-time domain name investor.

How did you get your start in the industry, Asad?

I tried to register a domain name for my own website in 2012, but I quickly discovered that all good domain names were already taken. I would check Godaddy for open domains, and if they were already taken, I would purchase them. check out the website to see what’s available. I discovered that many domain names could be purchased for many thousand dollars. It piqued my curiosity, so I used Google to look for more details about buying and selling domain names and ended up at Namepros.com, a fantastic resource for domainers. I currently own a portfolio of roughly 100 domain names and focus primarily on.com investments. I possess a lot of brandable domain names.

What is the name of the domain you sold?

In March 2017, I sold PipeArt.com using its Efty For-Sale landing page. The Mokum For-Sale landing page theme was used on this site, however I’m currently trying various other themes that have the BIN option.

What did you spend for the domain and how much did it bring in when you sold it?

At Godaddy Auctions, I bought this domain in July 2014 for $32. The ability to purchase quality domains at reasonable costs was much simpler back then than it is now. In March 2017, the domain was sold for $1,000.

Can you describe the process used to negotiate this domain name?

I received a $150 offer in January and responded with $2,888, but they didn’t respond. They indicated they had lost interest when I followed up and told them I would be ready to lower the price a little.

The same individual contacted me once more in February, but from a new email address. This time, when they made their first offer of $550, I replied with the identical demand of $2,888. Following many email conversations, they made a last offer of $1,000. The deal didn’t go through for another month after I accepted their last offer. We completed the deal via Payoneer Escrow.

Thank you for revealing Asad, Would you want to add anybody else, please?

Although I may have undersold the domain, you occasionally need to keep the sales coming in and there’s a strong possibility you’ll develop a long-lasting working connection with your client. I took this specific buyer through the entire process, and he was really appreciative of my guidance. establishing a Payoneer account and allowing the domain at his registrar. He continues to communicate with me, updating me on his plans for the name and seeking my feedback on his newly launched website.

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