establishing the PayPal integration. |165

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Account Creation

When you have a strong integration with PayPal, you can add Buy It Now (BIN) buttons to your domain name marketplace and For-Sale landing pages so that customers may pay for your domain names using PayPal. By providing your customers with a simple option to pay for your domain name, PayPal, a dependable, secure, and seamless payment method used by more than 200 million people worldwide, will help you sell more domain names.

Follow these simple steps to include PayPal BIN buttons on your landing pages:

2 – Once logged in, go to Settings > Integrations in your Efty account and add your PayPal username (the email address you use to access your PayPal account).

3 Update your preferences, such as your default payment platform, by going to Settings > Preferences. Please be aware that any prior settings will be overwritten by your default payment, which will be leading. The BIN buttons for PayPal will appear on all of your domains with BIN prices if you use PayPal as your default payment method. On the individual domain name level, you can replace this with another payment system like or DAN.COM.

4 From the bulk editor mode or the domain editor, add a BIN price to your domain name(s), then click Save.

5 The BIN button should now be displayed on your domain landing page (or marketplace), congratulations!

When a customer hits the “Buy It Now” button, we lead them to a straightforward form where we ask for some crucial details like their name, email address, and phone number, which Efty will email to you.

The buyer will be sent to the website after clicking the “Continue to PayPal” button, where they may make an immediate payment for the domain name. In addition, the PayPal checkout form will include your Efty marketplace’s logo at the top of it. You may also manage this logo from your PayPal account’s settings if you have a merchant account.

You will instantly get an email from PayPal confirming the purchase for the domain name once the buyer has successfully completed the money, and you must get in touch with the buyer to discuss the domain name transfer procedure as soon as possible. Please be aware that this is solely your obligation as the domain seller, and that failing to do so might lead to a chargeback and the possible termination of your PayPal account.

With this connection, we intend to keep our commitment to you to simplify your life and increase the value of your domain name portfolio. Please keep us updated on your progress, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

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