’s education behind the selling ranges from a $59 buy to a $2,300 sale. |173

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Reasons for the sale TrueAmateursThe sixth article in our Behind the Sale series on the Efty blog is now live. I interview domain name investors who reveal all the information on a recent sale in this series. You’ll discover how they made their purchases and sales, how the talks worked, and much more.

David Gruttadaurio, a part-time domain name investor from Indiana, owns a service business with 16 workers and is my chat partner today.

David, please give me some background information.

I had been purchasing names for a very long time, but I was doing it extremely poorly. I would invest in a domain I believed would be beneficial. growth – I never thought about attempting to sell them. I have zero knowledge of the domain name aftermarket. In retrospect, none of them would have been able to sell. Naturally, I never had the time to create any of the domains.

I came discovered at the end of 2012. Even now, I’m not certain why that took place. But after reading it, I became more aware of the domain business. From there, I discovered further domaining-related blogs and websites. I examined the domain names up for grabs and, more crucially, the asking prices. After a few months, I made my first direct sale for $2,800 for the domain name I had paid $79 for at NameJet, Pure serendipity led to the acquisition. Knowing it I knew it was Chinese (which was a good thing), but I had no idea it was also a crucial aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. The transaction to the acupuncture clinic went quickly and smoothly, and I was hooked – and we never looked back.

Today, our firm,, has a portfolio of over 1500 domains, about 1100 of which are parked at Efty.

What is the name of the domain name you sold? was sold on the Efty platform in January 2017. We were utilizing the Kiffer landing page theme at the time. I only sell on a BIN basis. The asking price was $2980, but we started an email negotiation using the contact form.

What did you spend for the domain and what did it sell for?

I paid $59 for the domain in October 2016 at I felt it was a good domain and was shocked that no one else had bid on it. We advertised it right away and it sold three months later.

Can you tell me about the talks for this domain name?

We seldom have to negotiate sales (about 8% of our sales are negotiated), but we did in this case. The initial offer was $200. I choose to disregard it. Four days later, he made an offer of $400. I just provided him a link to the domain’s Efty parked page and informed him he could purchase it there. Later That same day, he wrote me and stated $2,980 was too much for a name registered in 2016, so he offered $1,000 instead. I responded that we couldn’t sell at that price. He responded almost soon with a $2,300 offer, which we accepted.

Thank you for sharing. David, Is there anyone else you’d want to mention?

Some in the business believe that merely listing a domain for sale is sufficient… that a good domain will sell itself. And, to some extent, I agree. The bulk of us, however, do not own truly premium domain names. We have good domains that we may offer to the proper bidder. However, we should not underestimate the impact of a decent landing page and a ‘on’ button. logo for point. Visuals are an essential part of every marketing strategy since they are so effective (“a picture is worth a thousand words”). Efty offers a variety of ways for us to showcase our domains, including the opportunity to create our own logos and use unique landing page pictures.

Disclaimer: Efty is not in possession of user sales information. Therefore, we only provide data on sales that have been made public. Read about our complete governance here.

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