You questioned, and we took notice: Brand your landing pages with logos! |141

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Buying Landing Pages

Many of you expressed an interest in “packaging” a domain with a logo in order to create a visual impression of it. We are all aware that logos increase domain sales since they are visually appealing and give the domain character. But wouldn’t it be good if you could avoid paying the popular brandable marketplaces’ 30% commission?

I’m excited to announce that, starting today, you may add your own logo to each of your for sale landing pages, giving you the ability to make landing pages for your domains that look even better.

To show how amazing a personalized logo will look on your domains, check out these landers:

Simply access the domain name in Efty (make sure it is parked with us first!) and select the Marketing tab to add a logo to your landing pages. After selecting Upload Custom Logo, press Save.

And boom!

Oh, and last but certainly not least: Efty landing pages will be fully white label for customers on a monthly or lifetime subscription so there won’t be any distractions for potential domain name buyers.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, ideas, need assistance setting up your landing pages, or simply want to say hello, send us an email at!

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