33 completely new For-Sale landing pages are now available. | 154

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Buying Landing Pages

You only have one chance to leave a lasting impression.

By providing a brand-new collection of for-sale landing pages (with industry-specific pictures), buy-it-now (BIN) landers, and UDRP-safe landing pages, we’re assisting you in doing just that.

A successful domain name sales strategy must focus on for-sale landing pages, and Efty is now powering more than 50,000 of them. Since we introduced our initial landing page, we have gone a long way. I’m glad to state that now, our landers are quick, reliable, and responsive, and we provide a gallery with some of the greatest designs available in the market.

I’m happy to inform you that as of right now, you will be able to select from an extra 33 fresh for-sale landing page designs in our updated theme portfolio since, sometimes, more is better. Samples of each are provided below.

Three only-Buy-It-Now (BIN) landers

Multiple people asked us to include a Buy-It-Now-only For-Sale landing page. a pure BIN landing page sans a contact or make offer form. We now offer three distinct designs, so you’re covered.

Only BIN 1 and Only BIN 2

3 BIN only

3 safe landers under UDRP

You want to safeguard yourself from a potential UDRP, but you also want people who are interested in your domain to be able to contact you quickly. The UDRP safe landers are here.

1 UDRP Safe

2 UDRP Safe

3 UDRP Safe

3 safe landers for the INDRP

We developed 3 landing pages specifically for our Indian visitors that should shield your.in and.co.in investments from a potential UDRP.

INDRP Secure

IDRPSecure 2

IDRPSecure 3

Sector-specific landers:

Want a lander for your domains related to real estate? Check. For your Brandables, a lander? Check. A lander for your Numerics, perhaps? Check! We made the decision to create a special lander.

No matter what your domain name is about, you can always find a lander with an appropriate backdrop in our theme gallery as there is one for each of the 24 categories within Efty.






Technology & Computers







Actual Estate

Food & Beverages



Leisure & Travel



Employment & Education

Garden & Home


Brief Domains


Under Settings > Efty Market (scroll down to For-Sale landers), you can quickly choose your new default lander preference, and you may select one of the more than 40 landers for each of your individual domains using the Bulk Editor in the Domains overview or at the individual domain level:

We have created a simple “Theme picker” tool that allows you to see how your For-Sale landing page will seem in each design.

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