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For-Sale Landing Pages, Marketplace

As you’ve probably already read, we’re about to launch a full redesign of the website, transforming it into the biggest commission-free domain name marketplace in the business. Your domains will receive more exposure thanks to the new, which offers a site where customers can look for and buy names from all Efty vendors combined.

We want to make sure you’re ready for the impending changes so we’d like to offer you a small sneak preview as we’re finishing up the new marketplace.

Inventor Profiles

Public seller profiles on the Efty marketplace will include connections to any of your social media accounts, a picture of you as your avatar, a description of your full portfolio, and your contact information (email and/or phone number). Anyone interested in one of your domain names will also be able to send you a message using a form that will be provided. Here is an illustration of my own seller profile:

By going to the profile page within the Investor application, Efty sellers with active subscriptions may already set up their seller profiles. Making your profile private on our site allows you to completely reject this function.

Send traffic from your landing pages for sales to

Efty sellers with a current membership will be able to instantly redirect all of their domain names to SSL-secured landing pages on once we open the new marketplace. These are our best-ever For-Sale landing pages, created and improved using data from conversions collected over a five-year period.

The present option for sellers to reroute their landing pages to Em will be replaced by these settings. You don’t need to take any action if you’re currently utilizing this option because we’ll transfer you over on our own. For whatever reason, you can choose one of our other three options, which include having your for-sale landing pages redirect to the new . Your domain names point to a bespoke landing page domain or your own marketplace.

The domain names from a seller’s portfolio that are placed on the new marketplace are completely at their discretion. You can use these easy methods to hide one or more websites from the marketplace. Please leave any questions or comments you may have about these or any impending changes in the section below.

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