Supercharge Your Sales with Efty’s DANCOM Integration | 210

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Education, Integrations

Our dedication to develop and continuously enhance Efty depends totally on our clients because it is the only sales platform and soon-to-be marketplace in the domain name sector with a special software-as-a-service business model.

Because Efty users pay for the platform, they are actually customers rather than just consumers of the product. Additionally, our clients ultimately choose our path for development.

Our user base has always shown a strong need for secure payment partners that can protect them during a straightforward domain name ownership transaction. Over the years, this has led to several agreements with companies like, Payoneer Escrow (RIP), as well as PayPal and Stripe. I’m really happy to announce that, starting today, we will be presenting an extra choice to all of our sellers: DAN.COM

DAN.COM is the only marketplace in the domain business that can conduct domain transactions totally automatically and has handled over a stunning $100 million in domain name transfers since its start.

A similar Dutch business, DAN.COM, debuted in 2015 at the same time Efty exited beta as We both participated in NamesCon 2016 in Las Vegas from a small booth, and both businesses went on to develop new products and expand their market share in the years that followed as domain name buyers switched from Pay-per-click parking sites to more effective landing pages for sales.

We at Efty are thrilled to offer DAN.COM’s frictionless escrow procedure, quick payments, and seller protection available to all Efty customers. DAN.COM’s objective is to build a more liquid and effective domain name aftermarket.

You may add Buy-It-Now buttons to your For-Sale landing pages and/or Efty marketplace websites by integrating DANCOM with your Efty account. The DANCOM website will send buyers to a safe and secure checkout where they can pay for the domain right away using a variety of payment options, including credit card, PayPal, Alipay, Wire, and Bitcoin.

DANCOM processes all transactions from Efty sellers for an industry-low commission rate of 5%.

You will need to follow these easy steps to set up your DANCOM integration in Efty.

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