Setup of the Account, Sales Landing Pages, Analytics, and IntegrationsEfty + Google Analytics = Awesome | 152

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We are all aware that sound judgement requires data. How much traffic do your domains receive, and from where exactly does it come to your marketplace? What a great resource it would be if you could see a breakdown of visitor nationalities, referring websites, and even search engine traffic.

The integration of Google Analytics is here. In addition to the statistics already provided by Efty, you now have more information and data points about your traffic thanks to Google Analytics.

It’s simple to set up Google Analytics for your domains:

Go to the Admin page after logging into your Google Analytics account. From there, choose Create a New Property from the Property drop-down option.

Enter a name for the property on the Create property page, such as “Efty marketplace”. In the website URL field, type the url of your Efty-powered marketplace. Your property ID, which will begin with UA-, will be generated when you submit the form. Your Analytics tracking ID is this.

All you need to do is copy the tracking ID once you get it and input it on the Efty Settings > Marketplace page.

Enter a name for the property on the Create Property page, such as “Efty Landers.” Any domain in your Efty account that is now utilizing our name servers may be entered in the website URL box as long as it is actively using our name servers. Your property ID, which will begin with UA-, will be generated when you submit the form.

Your Analytics tracking ID is as follows:

After obtaining the tracking ID, all you need to do is copy and paste it into the For Sale landers section of the Efty Settings > Marketplace page (down to the bottom), and Google Analytics will begin monitoring visitors to ALL of your Efty For-Sale landing pages.

Within 24 hours, you ought to be able to see domain data in your Google Analytics account. Using the hostname dimension, a data breakdown by domain name may be shown.

This is how to accomplish it:

In the left-hand menu, go to Acquisition, Overview first. Once there, you can view traffic by source, including direct, referral, organic search, social media, and more. Click on Direct, for instance, and then enter Hostname under Other.

When you’ve done so, the Direct traffic for each domain name will be broken out as follows:

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